Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Featured Photo: Big Laurel Falls

Friday, February 24, 2012

Coyotes Taking Over!!!

In this hilarious article, TWRA nemesis Frank Niceley accused TWRA of stocking coyotes to try and control the Tennessee deer herd.  Apparently the TWRA assistant executive director thought it was a joke.  The response was classic:

"Actually, we sent some officers over to Arkansas and gave them swimming lessons," he said. "After we taught them, coyotes could swim over the Mississippi River."

I'm always thoroughly amused at people who want huge populations of game species without any natural predators.  Coyotes don't eat many deer to begin with, focusing mostly on much smaller prey.  The extent some people will go to further their agenda is downright laughable.  I'm just glad that Mr. Niceley was shown to be uninformed. Take a moment to read the article for your morning laugh, especially if you are from Tennessee.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Winter Turns To Spring

Rarely can one go hiking and hike to a destination in winter but return in spring. No, I'm not talking about the technicalities of when the calendar says the season has changed, but rather a snowfall so beautiful, so magical, and yet so fleeting, that if it weren't for the pictures I probably would assume the whole experience was just a pleasant dream. 

Hiking in the Smokies is never a guarantee, and in fact, I was not sure on this trip if we would be able to access our preferred trailhead.  Upon discovering the road open we were all excited.  When I found undisturbed snow on the trail, I was ecstatic.  Being the first person through the woods after a fresh snowfall is something I would like to do more often, especially on popular hikes where you will rarely find the trail completely devoid of strangers.

Our goal on this day was Ramsey Cascade.  On the previous trip, my friend had a near death experience that could have been a lot worse than it really was.  This time we were hoping for less wind and a safe journey.  The trail ascends through the forest, never far from the nearby Middle Prong of the Little Pigeon River.  At times you can see the stream while at others the trail is high on the hillside above the gorge and the water below is camouflaged behind layers of Smoky Mountain forest.

Before leaving our van, I happened to glance in the side door window and saw a reflection of the magical wintry forest around me. 

Heading on up the trail brought deepening snow yet never too much for pleasant hiking.  The sun started rising above the steep ridges and at times peeked through the trees, the snow sparkling as the sun's rays touched it for the first time.

We made good time and even stopped long enough to find the exact same log that hit my friend last April.  We jokingly took a couple of pictures, recalled how thankful we should be, and continued on our way.

Moving higher through the forest, we found the banks of streams cloaked under the new snowfall.  Further up the stream, the sun was now striking the canopy and its blinding light added a bit of mystery to our pictures.

Finally, we reached our destination.  Cold air was still rushing down the gorge and we quickly started to feel the chill.  Standing around after a brisk hike in cold air makes everything seem colder than it really is.  Accordingly we began the return trek much sooner than we would during warmer seasons.

Moving back down the mountain was interesting.  The snow was now in full melting mode, both falling off the trees (and usually down the back of my neck) and vanishing from the surface of the forest floor.  By the time we made it back down the Middle Prong proper, only a dusting remained on the shady side of the stream.

Everyone made it back in good time and even better spirits.  We were amazed at our good fortune to hike in such a beautiful place at just the right time!



I just want to give a shout out to everyone that stopped by Little River Outfitters on Sunday to join me for the fly tying session.  Talking flies and how to fish them are always a lot of fun for me and I specifically want to thank Byron, Paula, and Daniel for having me.  I will likely be heading up to the Park again soon to get in on the early spring hatches.  Things have been amazing already this year from everything I have heard and I can't wait to get in on a good hatch myself. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Stop By

Today I will be tying from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at Little River Outfitters in Townsend, TN.  If you are in the area, stop by and say hello and let's talk about fishing.  Afterwards I may get out to fish although the weather is looking pretty sketchy.  Either way, the tying will be a lot of fun.  I hope to see some of you there...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Nice Browns!!!

My friends Ethan and Joe Mcgroom were out fishing this past weekend and found some super nice fish.  I made it up to the Park myself but had a slow day.  I got on one 18 inch brown as well as a nice 24 inch fish but ended up spooking both.  At another spot I found 3-4 BIG fish in a pod feeding on something near the bottom.  At least I know where they live and will be back.  How awesome would it be to go back and find them rising?!? 

Thankfully some people had a good day out.  Here is a picture of Ethan's nice fish.  Both Ethan and Joe are great fishermen that know how to find the big guys. 

Joe Mcgroom Photograph

Thursday, February 09, 2012

The River Journal

I recently found another great Tennessee based blog/website, this one by fishing guide Mike Bone.  He has recently put some clients on BIG browns using streamers (one of my favorite ways to fish) so I'll definitely be checking back often to see what he is up to.  I hope you will enjoy his site as much as I have...

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Tying Demo

I would like to invite everyone who can make it to join me at Little River Outfitters in Townsend, TN on Sunday February 19th for a tying demo I will be doing.  So far I haven't determined exactly what I'll be tying although I'm currently leaning towards simply doing a mix between some of my favorite tailwater and mountain patterns.  The focus will be on effective flies that also happen to be anywhere from mostly to ridiculously easy to tie.  I want to do two tailwater trout flies, as well as my top striper fly that catches all my fish like this...

I will also tie another streamer or two as well as some Smoky Mountain patterns that either I have developed or modified for use in the Park.  I might also tie a brown trout pattern or two that are effective in the Park...

Monday, February 06, 2012


When you are at work and daydreaming, what are you normally thinking about?  I catch myself thinking not only about fishing but the beautiful places where the sport takes me.  When all else fails, I'm thinking of a favorite river and what the water looks like in those first hours of daylight or perhaps right as the sun is setting and the fish are getting active....something like this: