Featured Photo: Native Colors

Featured Photo: Native Colors

Thursday, November 13, 2014


With the cold season now upon us, I'm looking at ways to stay busy through the winter.  One thing I haven't done yet that is long overdue is to start a Newsletter that will include things like fishing reports, special offers on guided trips, fishing tips, and the usual photography you have come to expect here at the Trout Zone.  Of course I will not ever use your email except to send the occasional Newsletter so you don't have to worry about spam when you sign up for the Newsletter.  To get started, use the sign up below.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Big Creek

While I generally feel like I know the Smokies pretty well, there are still several places in the Park I haven't fished.  Okay, there are a lot of places I haven't fished.  After all, with hundreds of miles of fishable water, the problem is one of time and accessibility.  The more accessible water is what I normally fish because I am usually low on time.  One place that takes a bit of effort to get to is Big Creek.

I chose the "miles of gravel road" route for my recent exploration.  Having only passed that entrance of the Smokies once before, I was in for a treat.  The stream reminded me a lot of other Smokies streams like the Middle Prong of Little River or perhaps even Little River proper above Elkmont, but what a wonderful little stream!  No, I didn't catch any monsters or for that matter even all that many fish, but fishing a new stream is always a great experience.  Each pocket, pool, and run provides the little surprises that always come with discovery.

One large pool had a deep section off to the side with a gentle current running through.  The surprising lack of conflicting currents meant that the cast was actually pretty straight forward.  The trout were obviously holding just under the surface and were rising consistently.  My third cast resulted in a fish.  In another pool, I surprised myself by setting the hook.  The dry had slowly sunk and I'm still not sure if I actually saw the fish or perhaps subconsciously my brain registered the swirl that was the fish taking right in the heavy current.  Either way, when I set the hook the fish was as surprised as I was.  Of course, these little surprises happen on my home waters as well, but there it lacks that new feeling.

Most surprising of all perhaps were the large pools.  Having never been there but always hoping to see it, I climbed out of the gorge right where the stream tumbles out, climbing straight up the side of what felt an awful lot like a cliff, and hit the trail upstream to the Midnight Hole.  It was as beautiful as the pictures I had seen and even larger than I realized.  My last fishing memory for the day was made on this pool.

Trout are everywhere in that pool, but were relatively tough to fool.  It wasn't until I noticed some rises against the far bank that things began to work out.  Checking for trees behind me, I was soon casting the big orange Elk Hair Caddis to the boulders across from me.  A nice trout ate and I managed to keep it on throughout the fight.

As much as I enjoyed fishing at Big Creek, I was actually on my way over to Cataloochee for 2 nights of camping and with luck would make it over there before dark to fish a little more.  Soon I was hustling back down the trail, but already knew that I would be back again, even if it is a little out of the way.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Fly Tyers Weekend

Tomorrow afternoon I'll be tying at Fly Tyers Weekend in Townsend.  This is a big event with some of the best fishermen and fly tyers from around the country.  With all the talent there I'm not even sure what I'll be doing tying.  I should probably just sit back and watch.  I'll be taking along the vise, tools, and materials though and will be tying from approximately 1-5 pm.

Winter Discounts

As we now enter the cold months with the shortest days of the year, I'm offering winter and holiday pricing on all guided WADE trips.  The fishing tends to be slower than during the warm weather, but there is a certain charm to knowing that you basically have the whole stream to yourself.  Want to work on some winter techniques and brush up on your nymphing and midge skills?  Contact me to set up a trip at TroutZoneAnglers@gmail.com!

Friday, November 07, 2014


After an early declaration of fall, I'm also ready to make an early announcement for winter.  At least the early fall announcement was merely a few days early.  Unfortunately or fortunately depending on who you are, this winter business is starting more than a month earlier than the official start on December 21.  In case you need some convincing, here are some pictures from our 3 inches of snow on November 1.  Oh, and this next week will feature another cold Canadian airmass with highs struggling to get much out of the 30s by late week.  Is winter really here or just a strange fall?  Only time will tell.  Regardless, I'm still plotting on taking some late season fishing trips.

Yep, 3 inches exactly. 

The snow was wind driven, sticking to the sides of the trees for a beautiful effect. 

This tomato looks like it is wearing a white hat.  It just needs eyes and a mouth! 

Needless to say, the peppers were a little shocked. 

A few hearty trees were still holding on to their green outfits. 

There is nothing better than a silent forest after a snow fall.   

Fall, meet winter. 

This tree had a lot of snow stuck on the windward side. 

I found a leaf that had stuck itself into the snow on the deck railing.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Great Smoky Mountains

My favorite mountains anywhere, the Smokies never cease to amaze or provide new vistas.  While on an early morning drive over the Foothills Parkway recently, I was treated to a prime example of why the mountains are referred to as the "Smokies."  Prior to this moment, however, I enjoyed the sunrise from the famed Tail of the Dragon.  Curvy enough to make the driver car sick, this road is either a joy or pure misery depending on your driving tastes.  The occasional good views are beautiful though and quite possibly even worth the effort.

Not much later, I was cruising the Foothills Parkway when the scene spread out before me in such grandeur that I was compelled to stop, even at the risk of being late for my guide trip.  Thankfully I was still on time and in the process got to scratch my photography itch a bit.  I couldn't decide which picture I like the most so sharing all four became the default action for this post...

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Just a reminder for those of you who use Twitter.  You can now find me on Twitter @drknapp83.  Of course, you can often find new pictures and updates through both Twitter and Facebook as well.  Check them both out!

In the meantime, I'm off for the mountains for a few days.  I'll check back in late Thursday or Friday before I head out again.  NOW is the time to be out there!  I still have some limited availability for next week (October 26-31) and some prime days in the first two weeks of November.  Now is the time to get out and fish.  The trout are feeding like they are about to run out of food which is sort of what is about to happen.  Winter is a lean time in the mountains so get out now while the food is available and the fish are happy and fat.  I've seen more big rainbows caught in the last month than during the whole rest of the year.  Large browns will be turning up now as well so don't delay your trip!

If you are interested in a trip next week, send me an email and make sure to include a phone number or better yet call and leave me a voice message.

Finally, if you have not heard about Fly Tyers Weekend yet, start planning now to be there.  It is going to be an incredible gathering of talent.  Even if you don't tie this is a don't miss.  I still have some openings in the days leading up to the weekend so contact me ASAP if you need a guided trip.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall High Water

Historically, fall is the driest season here in middle and east Tennessee.  In fact, October is the driest month climatologically speaking.  More often than not, however, we usually see at least one good high water event in the fall season.  The worst ones are when it blows out the spawn up in the Smokies.  The wild brown and brook trout need all the help they can get, and a serious high water event can practically wipe out an entire age class.

This year we got lucky.  I'm sure my clients who had trips cancelled would be glad to argue that point, but the fish will definitely be in good shape this year for the spawn.  With some areas receiving over 5 inches of rain, area creeks, streams, and rivers were really rolling by the middle of this week.  Little River peaked at over 8 feet on the Townsend gauge which is in the vicinity of flood stage.  When normal this time of year is under 2 feet, you can imagine that we are talking about a lot of water.

With all the streams blown out and unfishable, I decided that a drive up to Clear Creek would be a great idea.  The chance to see both the fall colors and the high water was just too tempting.  Sure enough, the river was higher than I have ever seen it, although to be fair I don't normally drive up there to look at high water.  Still, the normally tranquil stream was up in the trees and generally looking quite dangerous.  The colors were nice as well.  We are very close to peak colors here in the Cumberland Plateau and should see the best of fall during the next 2 weeks.  Some spots have already reached their peak but there are still plenty of colorful trees to enjoy.