Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Photo of the Month: New Poll

Our newest poll will allow you the readers to vote for the picture you want to see at the top of this blog for the next month. Vote soon as I'll be updating the blog and pictures soon and the poll will only be open for a couple of days.

To vote, simply go to the poll on the upper right side of this page and click on your favorite and then hit "vote."

Here are the pictures you will be voting on:

#1 Mountain Solitude

#2 Water's Dance

#3 Caught!

#4 Elkmont Evening

#5 Smoky Mountain Speck

1 comment:

  1. You make for some tough competition. I like #1, #2, and #3 almost equally - #3 just has something...I dunno. Good shots - all of them.
