Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Approach of Fall

Here in Chattanooga we are beginning to see the beginning of fall. A few trees are beginning to give us a glimpse of what is in store in another couple of weeks. The streams are extremely low as is often the case during the fall around here. Over the weekend I embarked on a hike and fish day trip with my cousin for bass and sunfish on a stream in the area. Since I'm swamped with other things right now, I'll let the pictures tell the story...

Little Smallie

Fisherman's Shadow Envelopes a Crimson Leaf

Colors of Fall

A few leaves are already falling

Tranquil Waters

Even the fish are colorful

Redeye Bass

Feisty Smallie

Yep, I caught it. All by myself...

Not much flow in the stream...

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