Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Photography and Coming Soon

I often get people asking whether or not they can use my photography. Generally I am fine with it as long as they give me credit for my work. I'm pleased to say that my photography will be appearing over at the Perfect Fly Store from James Marsh. More of my pictures will be appearing over there in the upcoming months so check it out sometime! Anyone that is interested in using my photography is welcome to contact me by email and we can discuss what I expect...

In other news, please expect a new poll to be up shortly. I want to know what types of things you are most interested in seeing in my reports from out west. Also, I have had several requests to see what I am tying for the upcoming trip to Colorado. I'll try to get some flies photographed and a post about it up in the next couple of days.

Finally, I want to thank the guys over at Calvary Outfitters for a great time Thursday night! I was able to share about fishing midges and some of the tactics that I use. They were very friendly and made me feel right at home. We also spent a little bit of time tying some Zebra Midges and I showed some other patterns that I like to tie. Anyone that is in the Murfreesboro area should definitely check them out!

I'm leaving for Colorado a week from tomorrow so hopefully I'll accomplish all of this before it is time to go. I still have a lot of tying to do and it will be taking most of my time over the next few days. With a little luck I'll fish once or twice before then though...check back soon to see what I have actually accomplished!


  1. hey david,
    congrats on the pics. iv always enjoyed them.
    but just yesterday i was invited on a colorado fishing trip to the Dolores area this coming friday to monday. wandering if by chance if thats were you might be heading?

  2. We probably won't make it over to the Dolores most likely. We won't be terribly far from there though...mostly over around Montrose and Gunnison fishing the Gunnison and Taylor Rivers...maybe also up around Basalt on the Frying Pan and Roaring Fork...

  3. ok just wandering. hey by chance do know of any fly shops around dolores? trying to find out what to tie up for the local streams and ground hog lake. you have any ideas?

  4. I haven't fished that area really... From what I've heard, you should expect good hatches of caddis and stoneflies though at this time of the year...

  5. You always have the most awesome photos, I just love coming to your blog to see them

  6. David,
    If you haven't checked into it yet, Zenfolio is worth a look. I have recently started using it, and I know quite a few guys who sell to Flyfisherman, Orvis, and other mags who use it. You can upload your photos and set prices for each picture on there. It is also allows multiple links for each pic to be used on forums, blogs, etc. It costs $25/yr, but if you are interested I can shoot you a $5 coupon for your first year. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.
