Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Friday, June 26, 2009

Back Home

Wow! After only a couple of hours of sleep over the course of the last 36 plus, I'm feeling a little tired. However, yet another spectacular trip is in the books and I hope to be sharing all about it over the next few days.

In brief, the trip was good but not quite what we were hoping for. The Salmonflies were having a hard time getting going this year with lots of bugs in the bushes but only limited numbers of egg layers on the water getting the fish interested. The Gunnison still fished on a variety of midges, scuds, sow bugs, and big stonefly nymph patterns. Hoppers, caddis, and PMDs also accounted for some fish. The Green River was somewhat of a disappointment because they are having some serious issues with the Bureau of Reclamation constantly messing with the flows, substantially affecting the fishing quality (similar problem on the Gunnison). Still, we caught some very nice fish and overall had a good time. As you can see in the previous post, the Taylor produced as always and we also found a few surprises on some new stretches of water around the state of Colorado, some of which I'll mention later and some I might just keep to myself.

One first that occurred for me on this trip was seeing my backing for the first time ever after hooking a trout. I've come very close before but this was the first time I've actually felt the end of the fly line running over my finger and out the end of the rod. Normally I'll chase fish fast enough that this doesn't happen but I finally met my match and got severely outwitted...

In another few weeks, I'm heading west again, this time to Yellowstone National Park for what should be spectacular fishing in mid to late July. On the to-do list will be some secret spots for big browns and also probably the spectacular terrestrial fishing in the northeast part of the park. The Salmonflies might even still be around so maybe I'll hit that hatch perfectly yet. Up until then, I'll be doing some fishing here in Tennessee including on the area tailwaters and might also do a pack trip in the Smokies. This will of course be in between all my tying for Yellowstone...

I'll definitely be busy the next few weeks but you won't find me doing any complaining about it...


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Hey great news your back in time to see landowners vs wadefisherman on the south holston

  2. I had an Apache take me to the arbor knot. It was very exciting until I realized it was hooked in the wrong end. Kind of a buzzkill.

  3. David,
    I am anxiously awaiting some reports. Glad you had a good trip and made it back safely.

  4. Alex, I've accidently hooked fish in the tail a few times and its always a serious adrenaline rush until you figure out what's going on. A fair-hooked Apache that could clean you out would be a sweet fish for sure...

    Travis, we need to fish sometime! I'm wanting to hit up the South Holston and also still need to come fish with you on the Clinch sometime...
