Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Streamers Are Hot

The Caney was hot this past weekend with most all fisherman reporting good fishing.  I floated again with David Perry and the streamer bite was sick.  I started out at the casting brace with an agreement of changing every five fish.  A skipjack got things rolling but soon the nice rainbows started coming to the net.  Soon it was time to switch so I rowed while David P. fished.  After putting a few fish in the boat we switched again and found out just how good the fishing was. 

Fishing down a bank, I was literally getting a fish, follow, or strike on every cast.  The fish were all on the feed and couldn't get enough of our streamers.  Talking to several other fisherman, it appeared that lots of techniques were working well.  The only thing lacking was the big browns which didn't really every come out to play.  We did have a few follows and some hard strikes from fish we never saw, but at the end of the day, no large browns had been put in the net. 

One thing that was very exciting was the growth of the brookies.  The largest we boated was just under 14 inches and fat.  So far it seems that the brook trout are being stocked in decent numbers and are keeping away from the big browns.  There is plenty of food in the river and the fish are healthy.  If they can survive the summer we should be seeing a few in the 16 inch range this next fall. 

Hopefully the river will continue to fish well.  I have high hopes for the summer's fishing opportunities.  For now, the river is slowly getting healthier with a good range of fish sizes showing up to about 15-16 inches.  Hopefully the big browns will start showing up soon.  Regardless, it is still a good time to get out...

The following are several of the pictures from the day...

Photograph by David Perry 

Photograph by David Perry 

Photograph by David Perry 

Photograph by David Perry 


  1. Looks like an amazing day! Color me envious. -stephanie

  2. Wow, some incredible trout, great pictures! Cant wait for the opener.

  3. David
    Awesome trip and the pics are nice. A few questions, I will go to the Caney in about 3 or 4 weeks. Would the streamers still be the fly? I am sending you some pics of some of the streamers I plan on using. Let me know if these are fishable there. By the way what colors and size were you using? Thanks for any advice. Bill
    I would be using olive, brown, and black as well as the cream bugger, I had this bugger tied in cream instead of the white in the pic

    This craw is a fly I ordered from one of my blogger, he is probably one of the best fly tying artist I have ever seen. I guess you know by now I don't try my own flies. I hope to get into sometime in the future, but I am not ready to spend the time especially during fishing season on tying. I am joining up with your group, because I think you are one of those guys who knows how to fish the Caney. I need someone I can ask questions about the Caney and I feel you can help me out in learning how to fish the river. Thanks again

  4. David,

    Sounds like a successful day! Good looking fish!

