Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just Four More Months!!!

Here's hoping for a good hatch this year!!!


  1. Hi!

    Wow! Are those stoneflies? We don't have stoneflies of that size here in Sweden but I've experienced a magnificent hatch of huge caddis (Phryganea Grandis I think it is) and the trout just went crazy. Big dry flies and they took it without hesitation. Marvellous! Hope you get a big hatch of those critters that will certainly be spectacular.

    Greetings from Sweden,
    Mats Olsson

    1. Yes, they are Salmonflies and generally 2-3 inches long. Very impressive bugs and the fish love them...

    2. That's understandable. The caddis flies I mentioned also reach 2-3 inches but were impossible to catch. Would have been nice to have a picture of them.

  2. I guess the question is: Can you wait 4 months?

    1. Mark, I'll be out hitting the water often over the next few months. There are some great hatches before the Salmonflies to keep me occupied...

  3. Hey David, this is when I start counting down the days! Gotta love those stones.

    1. Howard, I'm starting to feel the pressure to tie now. I know its still a little while but I like to be prepared...

  4. David
    I can't wait to get back on the Caney Fork. Will you be fishing the tailrace this year? I know you don't live in Tennessee anymore but I have a feeling you haven't forgot this great tailrace.

    1. Bill, I'm sure I'll fish the Caney at some point. I fished it last time I was home and had a good time. I'm wondering how it will fish this year with the high water this winter. What it really needs is a couple of dry years...

  5. Replies
    1. Hopefully the time will go quickly!!!
