Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Featured Photo: Northern Lights in Tennessee

Monday, October 05, 2009

Went Fishing Yesterday...

...and caught a few fish. Here is the best fish of the day. Thanks to Joe Mcgroom for taking the picture!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Crazy Busy

Lately I've been extremely busy and have been struggling to find the time to post anything. I apologize for the lack of new material and hope to do better moving forward. Hopefully I'll have a few more fishing reports to tell about in the near future.

Last weekend I did manage to get some camping in down at Chilhowee near the Ocoee and Hiwassee Rivers. Squeezing in a little fishing was challenging but I managed to catch a few bluegill and bass from the little lake on top of the mountain. The weekend involved some of the heaviest September rain ever in east Tennessee and made for challenging camping conditions. The Hiwassee was higher than I have ever seen it and area creeks were well out of their banks.

I was camping with a group of guys we had taken from the school I teach at. On Saturday we wanted to take them all up to see the powerhouse on the Hiwassee but ran into trouble at Childers Creek. The road was completely flooded up to just over my knees in places. We backtracked and tried the back way in but ran into a mudslide just over the ridge coming down to the Big Bend parking lot. At that point we just gave up.

The scenery was spectacular and I enjoyed the opportunity to do a little photography. The sunset on Chilhowee Mountain was beautiful Saturday night. Sunday I ran up to Townsend to pick up a few items at Little River Outfitters. All the streams in the park where high to very high and made fishing sketchy at best. I ripped streamers for a little while but only flashed a few small fish.

Next weekend I hope to float somewhere and rip streamers for big browns. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Tailwater fishing is going to be difficult at best for the next couple of weeks due to the recent heavy rain event.

Here are a few of the pictures I took last weekend including some of the high water. The high water pictures are in the vicinity of Reliance Fly and Tackle including a shot looking down the road at the bridge over Childers Creek (last picture).

Friday, September 18, 2009

High Water

Rare late summer rain has been drenching middle Tennessee for the past several days. Last week I snuck away to the Caney Fork for a couple of hours one afternoon. The water was slightly stained and I was wondering why. Despite the stain, the fish were still feeding heavily and I was even able to do a little sight fishing. The clarity was really not that bad, and I believe the stain made the fish a little less cautious. The nicest fish was a chunky brown of around 13 or 14 inches that was beautifully colored.

Yesterday I went back to check out the river and see what effect the recent rains were having on the river. Upon arrival, I found the majority of the river blown out with extremely muddy water. Despite the fact that the generators were off when I first arrived, the river at Happy Hollow looked like a 1 generator pulse had just come through. It was much higher than normal and full of debris. Lots of logs, trees, and root wads were floating down the river, and all the creeks had dumped a large quantity of rock and gravel into the river. I even saw a dead trout floating downriver. Overall I don't think this will severely impact the river but only time will tell. I do know that boaters will have to be careful and watch for new obstacles.

After watching the river awhile, I headed up to the dam to fish after the generators were turned off from the afternoon pulse. I noticed something very interesting. The normal discharge from the generators was perfectly clear while the sluice was heavily stained. Apparently the baseflow of 250 cfs coming through the sluice gate is the source of the off color water.

The higher flow during generation turned out to be a good time to throw streamers. I spent around an hour fishing a shad immitation before the water started receding. Several brown trout went crazy for the streamer, but as soon as the water started dropping out, the fish switched to midges. I spent another hour or so fishing a zebra midge under a dry fly and this produced plenty of fish although none of any real size. The largest was again around 14 inches.

Currently Center Hill Lake is continuing to rise although not too quickly. If the trend continues, I would expect to see an increase in generation for a couple of weeks to keep the lake at or below the target levels. This will definitely be the case if we get any more substantial rainfall. The most recent hazardous weather outlook from the National Weather Service in Nashville suggests that more rainfall is likely.

While the rainfall is definitely beneficial, I wish it would come in moderation. This beats the drought of the last few years though so I won't complain too much...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Madison River Streamer Mania

After chasing native cutthroat on the Yellowstone River, we headed west to a new base camp at Madison Campground. The next several days were spent on various secret brown trout streams. Later on I’ll share some stories about the fish we caught during that time. The high point of the trip was fishing the Madison River outside the park.

During our days chasing browns, we both had our shots at big fish but neither of us had landed anything over 18 inches. You won’t often find me complaining about catching plenty of fish up to 18 inches, but on these big trips my expectations are a little higher. My buddy Joe and I were both hoping to catch a fish of at least 20 inches on the trip and were specifically hoping for a brown trout. I had never fished the Madison outside the park so I was looking forward to seeing some new water.

We rolled out of our sleeping bags early on Thursday morning and headed to West Yellowstone. After a stop at McDonald's for breakfast, we went to Blue Ribbon Flies to pick up our Montana fishing licenses. At this point we discovered that a short term license was good for two days instead of one so we would have the option of fishing the Madison two days if you wanted to. The guys at the shop helped us out with a map of the area showing major access points and we were on our way.

We stopped by the Quake Visitor Center on the way to fish and read about the tragedy that occurred. Quake Lake will eventually be just a riverbed again once the forces of erosion of completed their work, but at the present it is a good fishery in its own right. We wanted to fish the river further downstream though and headed on after a brief stop.

Our first stop was at the Raynold’s Pass bridge. The friendly guy at Blue Ribbon Flies had told us that it was a good spot to start out so we quickly rigged up and started fishing up. We had only been there a few minutes before Joe had hooked up. His first fish turned out to be a rather nice whitefish. Over the next couple of hours we fished steadily upstream, leapfrogging as we went. Both of us caught whitefish along with a few trout. My first Madison River trout was a chunky rainbow that was around 17 inches and it came on a soft hackle caddis emerger.

By the time we had fished up to the Slide Inn, we were both tired and ready to take a lunch break. Walking back down to the car gave us time to decide what to do for the rest of the afternoon. We agreed that while fishing was decent, it definitely was nothing to brag about. Every time I fish new water, I enjoy figuring out the best strategy. Careful observation of the fish themselves as well as the insects hatching will significantly shorten the learning curve on a new stream. So far neither of us had unlocked the secrets of the Madison.

After picking up the car, we drove back up to the Slide Inn to see if we could meet Kelly Galloup and also maybe buy a few flies. Luckily, he was running the shop that day so we hung around awhile to pick up a little wisdom along with a few flies. Joe bought a few streamers and I bought “Modern Streamers For Trophy Trout.” I had wanted to buy the book for awhile and it was the perfect opportunity to get it autographed at the same time. Heading back to the river, we decided to try another popular access point.

Again, we started fishing upstream. Joe tied on a streamer and I stuck with my double nymph rig for a bit longer. Before long Joe started getting excited. After hearing a couple loud exclamations I stopped long enough to inquire about the reason for his excitement. As it turned out he was flashing some big fish. I’ve fished with Joe long enough to know that it takes a good fish to get him excited. I was wondering what exactly was going on so I decided to shadow him for a few minutes. Sure enough, the next good spot he threw in resulted in a big brown charging the streamer and swirling around it before disappearing back to the depths. Something was definitely going on with the streamers.

I hung in there a little longer with my nymphs after I spotted a nice brown out feeding. On the 7th or 8th cast I saw my indicator twitch and the battle was on. Several hard runs later, the fish came to the net and posed for a quick picture. I now had my first Madison brown trout and it was a nice fish. Moving up the river, I was spooking enough big fish and hearing Joe’s excitement enough to know that we had a good shot at a 20 inch fish.

We continued on up the stream, passing several other fishermen and giving each of them a wide enough birth so they wouldn’t feel crowded. Finally we were upstream of all the other fishermen. It was about this time that the first caddis started making an appearance. Shortly after, the Epeorus showed up, and the fishing just got better and better. Joe stuck with his streamers hoping for a monster, but I was satisfied with casting dries to fish that averaged 16-18 inches. A #16 Light Cahill Parachute was close enough in color to the lighter colored mayflies, and the fish obviously didn’t know the difference. I hooked several and missed some that would have been pushing 20 inches or better. We were far from the car at this point and decided it would be best to head back downstream and fish close by as it got dark.

After watching me catch several fish, Joe was finally convinced to tie on a dry and caught a few that way…still no monsters though. When it was too dark to see our flies, we headed back to the vehicle for the drive to camp. On the way we discussed the all important question of where to fish the next day. Enough big fish had shown themselves to convince us both to drive back over again.

The next day started a little later. We were both exhausted from getting back to camp so late and just didn’t make it out of bed as early as we wanted. Thankfully we made it back over to the Madison before it was too late in the morning. I was still trying to wake up completely and settled on a leisurely streamside breakfast. Joe on the other hand was hardcore and immediately hit the water. I knew he was headed to the spots where we spotted good fish on the previous day and hoped that he would nail that good fish that he had been dreaming about.

As I finished breakfast, I started getting the urge to hurry. It is amazing what some good food will do for a person. Additionally, I started getting a nagging feeling that I was missing out on something special. At this point I made a decision that would pay huge dividends throughout the rest of the day. I had been afraid to carry my DSLR on the Madison my first day since I was unsure what the wading conditions were like. Common sense dictated that it was not a good idea to carry it at all but for some reason I took it anyway.

Starting up the river in search of Joe, I got the feeling that he might have a good fish. When I saw him leaning over the water with his net I started hurrying. As I got closer I hollered, “Do you have a good fish?” His reply in the affirmative motivated me to hurry even more and soon I was admiring a beautiful 20 inch brown. Joe was definitely glad that I had my nice camera with me and posed for a couple of shots before releasing the beauty.

After seeing his fish, I didn’t even bother fishing nymphs. We had stopped by Galloup’s shop again and I had purchased a few streamers myself. Cutting back my leader, I added some 2X fluorocarbon tippet and tied on a heavily weighted streamer. We were both fishing without the benefit of sinking lines and had to fish patterns with a lot of weight.

I headed upstream and we started our routine of leapfrogging our way up. After passing Joe up for the second or third time, I walked slowly toward the bank only to see a large fish spook out towards the middle. Wanting to kick myself for ruining a perfect opportunity, I decided to cast anyway. On the 4th cast, a dark shadow materialized behind the streamer. Thankfully, my normal streamer reaction did not kick in. In other words, I kept up the retrieve instead of staring in awe. The fish kept following until it was in no more than a foot of water. Just when I thought the fish was going to give up, it charged forward and inhaled the streamer.

Immediately I felt the power of a nice fish trying to run. Despite the heavy tippet I was still scared. Too much pressure could rip the fly out, but too little would result in the fish running downstream through a rapid. I hollered to Joe and he was soon on the scene to provide net assistance. Setting up just downstream from where I was, he waited for the right moment to move in. Finally the fish started to tire, and Joe got in the water. As the fish got closer, I lifted the rod tip high and kept the fish’s head up while Joe netted it. Right as he got the net under the fish and I released tension the fly fell out. Thankfully it was already captured.

We went through the picture taking process again except this time I was the one lifting the fish with a cheesy grin on my face. After releasing the fish, I took a few minutes to let it all sink in. Too often I don’t appreciate each fish enough. This time I sat down on a rock and enjoyed the beauty of the stream, the day and the rest of my surroundings. I’m truly blessed to travel to the places I do and experience all the great moments that make up each trip.

Throughout the rest of the day, we both hooked more fish on the streamers. As the case normally is with streamers, the fishing was all about quality over quantity. Late in the day we switched back to dries for the evening hatch but the fishing was only marginal compared to the previous evening. Finally we decided to call it a day, wrapping up the trip on a good note.

Catching larger fish on streamers is addicting. As soon as I got back home, I purchased a lot of tying materials for streamers and plan on fishing them consistently this winter. The opportunity to catch large fish is definitely better if you are throwing meat and potatoes instead of appetizers, at least in most situations. The trip to Yellowstone opened up a whole new world of fishing techniques and that is not just limited to streamers. When I travel, I am forced to experiment. On my home waters, I tend to return again and again to time proven techniques. Of course they catch fish, but innovation is the key to increasing one’s success. I can’t wait to apply some of the lessons learned out west on the wild browns of the Appalachians in east Tennessee.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Two Fish

What could possibly be better than catching a fish? Of course it would be catching two fish at once! I've been chasing stripers all over east Tennessee recently and while I have caught at least one on every trip, it is the other species that are making up the bulk of my catches. Last night I caught a largemouth bass, yellow bass, white bass, hybrids, skipjack, and three stripers.

While fishing a few days ago, I fell hard and messed up the reel for my 7 weight. This has made recent fishing a lot more interesting. Even a three or four pound "baby" striper feels like a monster on the 5 weight. I still haven't hooked anything over 5 pounds but can only assume that a 10 pounder on the 5 weight would drag me into the river.

Last night I had an interesting thing happen...in fact it was the second time in only a week or so that it has happened. While fighting a white bass, another one came and hit the trailing fly. Two fish at once is definitely better than one and makes for a good chuckle. I don't believe I could land two stripers at once though unless they were really small. They pull way to hard!!!

Coming up I still have a lot to share from trips out west and I apologize for the recent lack of posts. I've been busy teaching but should be able to find some free time over the next few days. I also plan to chase a few trout again sometime soon. I have a couple of product reviews still to come as well so check back soon for more!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yellowstone River Beat Down

That is actually a slight exaggeration, but since you have no clue what I'm talking about let me start at the beginning. My cousin Nathan is definitely all about fly fishing just so long as he is catching fish every now and again. In Yellowstone, our first day's trip turned out to be a bit tough on the less experienced fly fisher. My buddy Joe and I were catching our share of fish but not without making good casts and getting nearly perfect hook sets each time.

The plan for our second day in the Park was to head into one of the canyons on the Yellowstone River in search of salmonflies. Word in all the fly shops was that the bugs should be somewhere in the park but no one really seemed to know exactly where. On the way back from Slough Creek on day 1, I saw a lot of salmonflies around the bridge on the northeast entrance highway. Things were looking good for day 2!

We woke up and after a good hot breakfast headed down into the canyon. Upon reaching the bottom, we headed upstream a good half a mile or more to get away from another group of anglers that were fishing where the trail hit the river. When we finally reached the spot we were going to start at I saw a few big bugs flying around. Since the main goal of this trek into the canyon was to hit the salmonfly hatch, I tied on a big nasty dry that looked a bit like the naturals that were out and about. The hatch was definitely not a blizzard hatch by any means but why settle for less? I wanted to fish dries and so I did, for a while anyway.

Our first stop produced fish for all three of us. Joe hooked a couple good fish and Nathan started cleaning up. I had convinced Nathan to bring his spinning rod. The fast paced canyon water was ideal for throwing a small spinner and the cutts are dumb as far as trout go. I figured Nathan would have a decent day.

About the time that things started to really get going, the sky clouded up and thunder started rumbling in the distance. As the storm got closer, we saw the lightning strikes approaching until we didn't feel too comfortable fishing anymore. Standing in the middle of water waving a lightning rod during a thunderstorm doesn't seem too intelligent so we headed over to the base of a hill to wait out the storm. The rain never got too hard and we took advantage of the lull in fishing to eat our lunches. Finally the storm moved on to the east and we started fishing again.

Within just a few minutes Nathan had taken the lead as far as numbers go. I managed a few and Joe was doing fairly well. As we moved upstream Joe and I started to regain the upper hand until we reached a nice side channel that was absolutely full of structure.

As we were moving up, I kept fishing the dry for awhile and missed some nice fish on it. Eventually it became obvious that the fish were looking for something subsurface. Salmonfly nymphs with a caddis pupa dropper seemed like a good combination, and both Joe and I were wearing them out. Then Nathan got things going and put on a clinic.

For probably 30 minutes Nathan stood at the edge of a nice run in the side channel and caught fish on nearly every cast. Most of them weren't as large as the ones coming to the fly but nice fish nevertheless. He was using a small gold spinner, and I suspected the fish were taking them for golden stoneflies. This suspicion was affirmed when I tied on a Golden Stonefly nymph from James Marsh and started catching fish again. There were a few of the bugs in the air but obviously the majority were still in the nymph stage migrating towards shore. The best tactic seemed to be a dead drift followed by a slow swing towards shore. Most of the time the fish would take the fly right at the end of the swing.

In general I feel that I can catch more fish on a fly rod (as long as we don't factor live bait into the equation), but this was clearly a day that the fish liked spinners. I had the most success when I used flies that were similar in size and color to the spinner my cousin was using and also used a similar retrieve.

Joe and I redeemed ourselves a bit by catching one of many doubles for the day. What made this one special was that Joe caught two fish at once. Is there such thing as a double double in fishing?

Eventually we fished up to a high ridge that blocked upstream progress unless we felt like doing some climbing. We stopped As it was late in the day, we headed back downriver, hitting the best spots again as we went. Everyone caught a few more fish, but Nathan was still firmly in the lead as far as numbers for the day. Another storm moved in and convinced us to hustle on up the trail to the car.

Upon reaching the top, we looked back across the canyon. A gorgeous double rainbow greeted us, arcing down into the canyon we had just left. We had already found the pot of gold though...lots of cutthroat trout...

Friday, August 14, 2009

First Striped Bass

If you read my blog throughout 2008, then you are aware that I spent a fair amount of time chasing various warm water species. A lot of that time was spent below Chickamauga Dam on the Tennessee River searching for striped bass or whatever else would hit. I always had to settle for the "whatever else would hit," and while it was great adding several new species to the list of fish caught, I really wanted to get that striper.

Recently I had a buddy call me up and tell me that he had caught his first and that I should try it out. At first I hated the thought of making the drive from Crossville, but subsequent stories of nice fish and a few pictures to back them up convinced me that I had to try. Earlier this week I headed out in the late afternoon for an evening of fun, fishing, and hopefully my first striped bass. The drive went by fairly quickly in my excitement.

I rolled up to the river just ahead of my buddy and started rigging up as I waited for him. When he got there, he took me down to the water and showed me the good spots. We started to see the occasional boil that told us something was chasing baitfish. I couldn't wait any longer and started casting.

After what seemed like only a few minutes but was probably more like 20 or 30, I felt a hard bump and set the hook with authority. Immediately I knew that whatever I was attached to was much stronger than 99% of all other fish I've ever hooked. I was fishing my 7 weight, and the fish was still very much in control of the situation. Minutes later I finally saw the fish and realized that my long search for a striper was over.

Throughout the evening, we both caught and released several stripers along with some hybrids and yellow bass. I had an absolute blast and will be back soon for more...before I do though I will be tying up a few more flies. One turned out to be killer, but naturally I only had one. This was the perfect fishing trip to break in the 7 weight. We never caught any big fish as far as stripers go but even the 5-8 pound fish wore me out. I can't imagine what the 20 and 30 pound fish would feel like...

Here's a few more from the evening including my largest that hit just before we decided to call it a night...

One of Trevor's fish...check out how fat the fish is...

My largest fish...

Presidential Fly Fishing

As I was checking in on the daily news, one particular story caught my attention. The title was "Obama's fly fishing trip is apt metaphor." I'm not interested in bringing much in the way of politics to this blog (other than conservation issues) so I won't get into the rest of the story. You can check out the story for yourself in the link above. Anyway, the interesting part is that this is apparently the President's first fly fishing trip. Relaxation is probably hard to come by when you are the leader of the United States so maybe this is just the hobby Obama needs. Regardless, I hope he has a great trip and catches a few good fish!