Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Awesome Present

So this last week wrapped up my time as a teacher, at least so it would seem for now.  The way things are looking, I'll be teaching again in a couple of months but in a different way.  Unless something major changes, I will be offering guide services in Tennessee including in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  Looking back, being a teacher has some benefits, at least if you are a regular classroom teacher.

On the last day of school, students usually bring cards and small presents to the teachers.  This year, one of my students brought a large box with my name on it.  I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.  Upon opening it, I found what is one of the best presents I have ever received.

Catherine McGrath Photograph

For those of you that cannot see so well, that reads "The Big BOBBER Floating Cooler."  It has a place to attach a rope or something.  Now, floating down the river in the summer will be so much more awesome.  Imagine all the comments I'll get floating along with my giant bobber.  "Are there really fish that big in here?, or maybe "Is it safe to swim in here?"  I think I'm going to have some fun with this one.  Oh yeah, and it will keep the drinks cool while I'm working hard to catch all those fish...


  1. David! Awesome present! Speaks volumes of the impact you had on the student(s) lives! Nicely done!

  2. You couldn't have gotten a better present. Those kids are great.

  3. David
    What will the fishing companies think of next, this a new one for me and you as well. I am glad to know you are coming back home, and also glad you will be doing guide trips. Will you be guiding on the Caney for wade trips? Hope you and your family have a great Christmas!!!!

    1. Bill, if all goes according to plan I will be offering wade trips on the Caney and also in the Great Smoky Mountains. Long term, I hope to get a drift boat if I stick with this career for more than 6 or 7 months.
