Featured Photo: High Altitude in the Winds

Featured Photo: High Altitude in the Winds

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fire Tiger PB&J

Think this might move some big predatory browns?  Try the PB&J in fire tiger colors and let me know if it works...


  1. Happen to have a recipe for this little gem? I'd like to give it a shot at the "secret" lake once the snows gone, that is.

  2. it'll get bit David..If you wait for the snow to be gone you'll be to late Mark!

  3. I tied a similar streamer using saddle hackle. I thought it would make a great brookie pattern. Don't know if I ever fished it.

    Yours should work on brookies and rainbows.

  4. David, I am with Mark on this one. A recipe or a sample would be an ideal gift for a BlogBuddy!

  5. I tied one very similar to this. Fantastic movement in the water and fish could not resist it.


  6. Sorry for the delay guys, but here's a link to an earlier post I did on the PB&J streamer. The main difference between the standard PB&J and the one above is the color on the rabbit strip. http://thetroutzone.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-pb.html
