Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Featured Photo: Milky Way Over Pathfinder

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Musky Time

Around here in Tennessee, some of us fly flingers have taken to fishing for musky on occasion in the colder months.  When the weather is warm, it is hard to pry ourselves away from the trout and smallmouth fishing.  However, as soon as it gets cold enough to have the freestone trout lethargic, we gravitate towards either chasing trout in tailwaters or trying some new stuff.  Well, it is about time to start trying some of that new stuff for this year.

I've tied a few monstrosities that I hope will look delicious to a musky.  There are a lot of patterns out there that people have invented just for these critters, some of which are so giant that I think my arm would fall off if I had to toss it all day.  Still, when you see a huge shadow materialize behind the fly, it is hard to not think that you need some larger flies.

Normally I throw stuff that would be small to medium sized compared to what a lot of musky guys are throwing.  My most recent ties are a little larger than some stuff I normally tie but still nowhere close to being as large as what a lot of people like to throw.  I'm just hoping to see some fish.  Catching them will be a bonus on this first trip of the year but before winter is too far gone, I hope to find some monsters!


  1. Good luck to you sir, and remember how often muskies are accidentally caught on bass sized flies or lures. Hey, my father tells me he caught one on a five weight and a size 10 mickey fin once in PA. Those flies look to be every bit big enough.

    1. I'm always surprised at what these musky will eat. I've caught them on Stealth Bombers fished on sinking lines. You just never know...

  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Beautiful flies David. How exciting that would be to catch a musky on the fly.

    1. Howard, I always wanted to fish for Tiger Musky when I was in Colorado but never got around to it. Maybe you should investigate!

  3. Spent hours this summer up north chucking big ones like that on my 10 weight, a work our for sure. Best of luck to you and nice ties. Musky have to be my favorite fish.

    1. Atlas, you have chosen a fierce but finicky predator for your favorite quarry. They are not my favorite but are running a very close second...

  4. Good thing you are a lot younger than Howard or I. I think we would need to be put on the "I.R." list after flinging them big guys and brawlin' with a Musky.

    1. Mel, it takes a few Ibuprofen at the end of the day to loosen everything back up. I think I'll have to join a gym and do strength training if I'm going to chase these guys too often...

  5. Hope you find those monsters, as well! Those are some good looking flies. Good luck to you!
